
GdR MASCOT-NUM is a French Research Group dealing with stochastic methods for the analysis of numerical codes (GDR3179, funded by INSMI @ CNRS). Its main objective is to coordinate research efforts in this scientific area, which is often called design, modeling and analysis of computer experiments. Its activities involve various areas of applied mathematics: statistics, probability, computer science, numerical analysis, operations research, mathematical physics, ...
Franco-German University Franco-German University
The Franco-German University (DFH-UFA) is a network of affiliated universities from France, Germany and other countries. Its administrative offices are located in Saarbrücken, Germany. DFH-UFA was established as an international institution following an intergovernmental agreement (the Weimar Agreement) in 1997. DFH-UFA provides expert guidance on relations between French and German universities with the aim of improving cooperation in the areas of university study programmes and research in both countries.
Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes Région Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes
Auvergne-Rhône-Alpes is a region in southeast-central France created by the 2014 territorial reform of French regions. It resulted from the merger of Auvergne and Rhône-Alpes. The region covers an area of 69,711 km2 and has a population of about 8 millions. It consists of twelve departments and one territorial collectivity (Lyon Métropole) with Lyon as préfecture.
CIROQUO* is a research consortium bringing together academic and technological research partners to solve problems related to the operation of numerical simulators, such as code transposition (how to go from small to large scale when only small scale simulations are feasible), taking into account the uncertainties that affect the simulation results, validation and calibration (how to validate and calibrate a computational code from collected experimental data). * CIROQUO stands for "Consortium Industrie Recherche pour l'Optimisation et la QUantification d'incertitude pour les données Onéreuses" in French
Founded in 2014, the maths federation of Auvergne-Rhône Alpes (MARA) is the merger of Institut Camille Jordan (CNRS UMR 5208), Institut Fourier (CNRS UMR 5582), Laboratoire de Mathématiques Blaise Pascal (CNRS UMR 6620), Laboratoire de Mathématiques of Université Savoie Mont Blanc (CNRS UMR 5127), Laboratoire Jean Kuntzmann (CNRS UMR 5224) and Unité de mathématiques pures et appliquées of ENS Lyon (CNRS UMR 5669). MARA gathers 500 permanent researchers and 250 PhD students.
Michelin Michelin
Michelin, the leading mobility company, is dedicated to enhancing its clients’ mobility, sustainably; designing and distributing the most suitable tires, services and solutions for its clients’ needs; providing digital services, maps and guides to help enrich trips and travels and make them unique experiences; and developing high-technology materials that serve a variety of industries. Headquartered in Clermont-Ferrand, France, Michelin is present in 170 countries, has 123,600 employees and operates 71 tire production facilities which together produced around 170 million tires in 2020.
Safran Tech Safran Tech
Launched in January 2015, the Group’s Research & Technology Center Safran Tech has been pooling expertise and fostering the development of new technology. This research center, dedicated exclusively to Safran, ensures the future competitiveness of the Group, which operates in a number of high-tech fields. Its work currently represents a quarter of the Group's Research & Technology activities.
IFP Energies nouvelles IFP Energies nouvelles
IFP Energies nouvelles is a public research, innovation and training organization in the fields of energy, transport and the environment. From research to industry, technological innovation is central to all its activities.
LIMOS* is a research laboratory in computer science, operations research and applied mathematics made of about 100 permanents members and 100 PhD or postdoc students. Mainly located in Clermont-Ferrand and Saint-Etienne, it is a joint laboratory with Clermont Auvergne University and Mines Saint-Etienne. LIMOS is also a member of Clermont Auvergne INP. Its domains of investigation are: combinatorial optimization, graph theory, continuous optimization, statistical modeling, data, services and knowledge representation, networks and safety, operation research applied to industrial engineering. * LIMOS: Laboratoire d'Informatique, de Modélisation et d'Optimisation des Systèmes (in French)
Université Clermont Auvergne Université Clermont Auvergne
Université Clermont Auvergne (UCA) is a multidisciplinary higher education institution composed of 38 research laboratories working in the fields of fundamental and engineering sciences, life and health sciences as well as law, human and social sciences. UCA was created on January 1st 2017 from the merger of Université d’Auvergne - Clermont-Ferrand I and Université Blaise Pascal - Clermont-Ferrand II.
IUT Clermont Auvergne IUT Clermont Auvergne
IUT Clermont Auvergne offers a 3-year professional BUT program linked to research and strongly connected to the local territorial and socio-economic environment. Courses are given by lecturers, researchers and business professionals. The pedagogy is based on supervised self-learning, tutored group projects and company internships. In addition, students have the opportunity to continue with international collaborative programs.
Clermont Auvergne INP Clermont Auvergne INP
Clermont Auvergne INP brings together the three engineering colleges in Clermont-Fd (ISIMA, SIGMA Clermont and Polytech Clermont). It offers a high level of scientific and technical training based on excellent research and a strong capacity to produce and transfer innovation.
SIGMA Clermont SIGMA Clermont
SIGMA Clermont is a public engineering school proposing high-level graduate courses in the fields of advanced mechanics, industrial engineering, robotics, chemistry, process engineering, materials, structures and systems. Independent and reactive, SIGMA Clermont puts its connections with industry and research development at the heart of its training programs. SIGMA Clermont was created by the merger of ENSCCF and IFMA. SIGMA Clermont is a school of Clermont Auvergne INP since 2020.
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