Registration > Information / Registration fees


May 26: Registrations are now closed.


Registration process

The MASCOT-NUM 2022 website is hosted by Therefore, authors and attendees must have a sciencesconf account to register to the conference.

The registration to MASCOT-NUM 2022 is made as follows:

  1. First, you need to have a account. If not, please, click the arrow close to the login button at the bottom of the website banner. Then select create account and then follow instructions.

  2. To pre-register to MASCOT-NUM 2022, click on my registration in the sidebar menu while logged in.

  3. Once your pre-registration has been accepted by the conference organizers (notification by email), you can finalize your registration by paying online in my registration.

Registration fees

The registration fees cover conference attendance, lunches, coffee-breaks and the Wednesday conference dinner. They do not cover accommodation.

Registration fees are in euros. Prices include VAT.

  • PhD students or postdocs: 50(*)
  • Academics: 150
  • Industrial or or other non-academic attendees: : 250

(*) PhD student or postdoc registration rate only applies to participants who will justify their status prior to registration. Please submit your proof of enrollment as a PhD student or a postoc with a clear mention of your start/end dates to

An additional fee of 70 € applies for an accompanying person at the conference dinner.

Method of Payment

All payments need to be made by credit card. All credit cards are accepted, except American Express.

We do neither store nor have access to your credit card details. Your credit card is processed through Paybox, which is one of the most well-known and reputed payment platforms in the world.

Proof of payment

Proof of payment will use the invoicing address provided just prior to payment. Please make sure that the information given is correct before clicking on the "Pay online" button.

Invoicing address

Payment confirmation notifications will be sent to your email address, once your payment is processed successfully.

Cancellation policy / Refunds

Any cancellation must be notified by email to the conference secretariat:

  • Before April 8, 2022:  100% refund
  • From April 9 to May 6, 2022: 50% refund
  • After May 7, 2022: no refund
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