Lunches & conference dinner > Conference dinner

Dish 1       Main room       Dish 2

Due to space limitations imposed by the restaurant, the conference dinner will take place over two evenings: a dinner on Tuesday with a first part of the attendees and a second one on Wednesday with the others.
The invited lecturers, the members of the conference program committee and the MASCOT-NUM network steering committee will all attend the Wednesday dinner.
Attendees will be asked late May whether they prefer to attend the first or second dinner. If a choice need to be made by the organizing committee, early registered attendees will be prioritized.

The dinner will be held at the restaurant “la Flèche d’Argent” in the heart of historic Royat near Clermont-Ferrand. “La Flèche d’Argent” is the restaurant of the 5-star Hotel Princesse Flore. Its modern, inventive and gourmet cuisine has been awarded a Michelin Bib Gourmand since 2018 and 2 Toques Gault & Millau.
A four-course menu paired with matching wines will be served for these two dinners.

Conference dinner menu:

  • Apéritif served with toasts
  • Starter: Monkfish served cold and pearly with its broth, exotic gel
  • Main course #1: Roasted pollock, green asparagus, agrume
  • Main course #2: Mignon de veau de la maison Durif, peas, avocado, kiwi, thyme juice
  • Dessert: Cherry with a biscuit, almond mousse, crunchy cassonade, confit morello cherry and basil, sorbet morello cherry
  • Coffee/tea with mignardises


Access via Google maps:


Access by public transportation (T2C)

To get to the conference dinner restaurant, you need to take the tram (line A) with a change at place de Jaude, then take a bus (line B) to its terminus (Royat place Allard). The Princesse Flore hotel and its restaurant la Flèche d'Argent are just a few steps away.
The B line runs every 15 minutes and buses have limited capacity. Please do not all target the last bus!
The bus stop of line B is located in front of LCL bank.

Line A (tram): map
Line B (bus): map

Jaude: line A to B


SIGMA Clermont (Campus) to la Flèche d’Argent (Royat place Allard)

Campus to Jaude Jaude to Royat place Allard Date of dinner
Tram line A direction les Vergnes Bus line B direction Royat place Allard  
18 min 11 min  

19:06-19:24 19:35-19:46 June 8
19:12-19:30 19:35-19:46 June 8

19:18-19:35 19:50-20:01 June 7, June 8
19:25-19:42 19:50-20:01 June 7, June 8

19:32-19:49 20:05-20:16 June 7, June 8
19:40-19:57 20:05-20:16 June 7, June 8

 La Flèche d’Argent (Royat place Allard) to place de Jaude (Jaude)

Royat place Allard to Jaude
Bus line B direction stade Marcel Michelin
8 min  


23:18-23:26 (last departure)

Dinner attendees 

Tuesday June 7 Wednesday June 8

Aacharki, Naoufal Aaron, Catherine
AIt Abdelmalek-Lomenech, Romain Ah-Pine, Julien
Albaraghtheh, Tamadur Ajenjo, Antoine
Albert, Benoît Aziz Alaoui, Amine
Appriou, Tanguy Baiou, Mourad
Basak, Subhasish Balesdent, Mathieu
Bay, Xavier Beaucaire, Paul
Beaurepaire, Pierre Bect, Julien
Bonnet-Eymard, Damien Bénesse, Clément
Breaz, Valentin Bensaid, Bilel
Cancelliere, Francesco Binois, Mickaël
Capasso, Gabriele Blanchard, Jean-Baptiste
Chen, Qiao Blanchet-Scalliet, Christophette
Cherchi, Giovanni Michele Bossy, Mireille
Clair, David Bourinet, Jean-Marc
Demange-Chryst, Julien Bousquet, Nicolas
Dodt, Miriam Beatrice Chabridon, Vincent
Faraci, Alessio Chennetier, Guillaume
Farias, Katyanne Clair, David
Foucart, Simon Cohen, Serge
Giannoukou, Aikaterini Da Veiga, Sébastien
Hakimi, Faouzi Deheeger, François
Hégo, Axelle Farias, Katyanne
Henderson, Iain Fauriat, William
Jianpeng, Chan Fekhari, Elias
Jocteur, Bérénice-Alexia Fellmann, Noé
Jouseau, Roxane Garnier, Josselin
Lartaud, Paul Gauchy, Clément
Lucor, Didier Gaudrie, David
Mattrand, Cécile Gautier, Athénaïs
Musch, Dr. Bernhard Gayton, Nicolas
Musco, Fabio (+1) Hansen, Nikolaus
Nespoulous, Julien (+1) Helbert, Céline
Perdigão Martino, Diego Hüllermeier, Eyke
Persoons, Augustin Il Idrissi, Marouane
Petit, Sébastien Iooss, Bertrand
Pibernus, Valentin Kaarnioja, Vesa
Prakash, Vinay Kerleguer, Baptiste
Quesada-Molina, Jose Pablo Klein, Thierry
Samir, Chafik Kuhnt, Sonja
Schär, Styfen Le Maitre, Olivier
Sommer, David Lefebvre, Sidonie
Sow, Babacar Lesparre, Nolwenn
Surget, Charles Lopez Lopera, Andrés
Tran, Tien Tam Manfredi, Paolo
Xie, Jiarui Mattrand, Cécile
Yuan, Zhandong Menz, Morgane
Zeckey, Tizian Mula, Olga
Munoz Zuniga, Miguel
Nouy, Anthony
Novello, Paul
Papaioannou, Iason (+1)
Pelamatti, Julien
Perrichon, Rémi
Perrin, Guillaume
Picheny, Victor
Poette, Gael
Prieur, Clémentine
Pronzato, Luc
Proppe, Carsten
Reich, Sebastian
Rendas, Maria Joao
Reygner, Julien
Rivier, Mickaël
Rodolphe, Le Riche
Roustant, Olivier
Sala, Lorenzo
Samir, Chafik
Sinoquet, Delphine
Sprungk, Bjoern
Staber, Brian
Straub, Daniel
Sudret, Bruno
Totzeck, Claudia
Trappler, Victor
Travelletti, Cédric
Würth, Alexandra
Zahm, Olivier

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